Sharing our experience to educate others.

Until I took a class in social media during my senior year of college, all I knew about Twitter was that celebrities used it for self-promotion, and “normal” people used it to tell the world about every second of their day. It wasn’t until I signed up for Twitter (I invite you to follow me: @HmariahK) that I realized what it’s actually all about. After thoroughly exploring, and applying my participation on Twitter to my career, I’ve determined three steps to help you use Twitter successfully: Follow, Share, and Grow.


There’s no shame in wanting to keep up with your favorite celebrities and sports stars, but I suggest also following other influential people. If you’re using Twitter for fun, go ahead and follow whomever you like. If you’re using Twitter for personal gain and personal branding, make sure to follow people who are successful in doing what you’d like to do. The same applies for companies. As the social media contact for your company, follow other companies in your industry. Follow people and companies who have direct and indirect influences on your industry. For example, as M2‘s social media contact, I’m following other credit card processing companies, payment solutions companies, and banks whose decisions directly impact our industry.


Twitter is for sharing. By following people who influence you, you’ll learn their strategies, you’ll learn from the content they post, and you’ll realize how to apply all that you’ve learned. Try to interact with these people and companies. Retweet your favorite posts. Mention your favorite individuals and companies. Share your own information. If the people you’re following are using social media correctly, they’ll eventually engage in a conversation with you. You’ll gain visibility from follows, retweets, and mentions. (I say “eventually” because the people and companies, who are doing it right, have many, many conversations happening each day. It may take a couple posts to get a response). Keep at it! Soon enough, you’ll be the person or company that is teaching new tweeters how to interact and what to share.

HINT: As you gain followers, think about your reason for sharing. Remember your big picture motives!


To follow a competitor or not to follow a competitor, that is the question. In my opinion, following your competition is extremely important. Social media isn’t for spying (although many people use it for just that). Use social media to connect with your competition. I’m not saying give away all your secrets and post your business plan online for everyone to read. Remember that anything you share on the Internet is there FOREVER. However, I am saying that you and your competition are in the same market. Sharing industry-related news, updates, and insight isn’t a bad thing. Besides, without competition, how are you going to be the best? You need competitors pushing you, forcing innovation, and influencing growth. Don’t be afraid to connect.

Final note: Remember that Twitter isn’t for selling. Don’t try to sell yourself, your company, or your products and services. Everyone will ignore you. Instead, use Twitter for sharing. Share information, share advice, and share your opinion. In turn, you’ll showcase your “brand,” and people looking for your services (whether it’s free advice or the next great invention) will trust you to have their best interest in mind.

Go be social!

I’ll see you online.

What do you think?